
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey friends!

I have a short update to share with you this week.  Literally, the video below is less than 1 minute in length.

In this video is a small glimpse of what life in India has looked like over the past month.

Enjoy and feel free to share your reactions in the comments section below!

Thank you for all of your prayers and financial support!  I am so close to being fully funded for my 2 year commitment in India.  To reach 100% of my goal, I am needing to raise $150 more in monthly committed support. Would you consider joining me on this journey as a financial supporter of $10, $20 or $30 per month?

To partner with me monthly or to give a one-time gift, you may do so by visiting or by clicking on the ‘Support Me’ tab on the left side of your screen.  Also, feel free to contact me with any questions, inquiries and comments at [email protected].

5 responses to “A Glimpse of India (Video)”

  1. You are always welcome to visit. We’ll try to keep it mouse free for the time you’re here.

  2. My dear brother the world race two teams coming to in our church we request to you please send me we welcome to you and your team

  3. This was fun to see a visual of your life! I started craving Indian food until I saw the mouse.