It’s easy to forget and lose sight of The Truth.
In the seasons where nothing seems to be going your way.
In the times where your expectations fail to be met.
When sleep is lost over the regrets of things done or not done.
When your sin seems to have all reign and rule over you.
It’s easy to feel lost.
To get to a place where you are at worst.
To feel unwanted.
To think you are a failure at relationships.
To feel ashamed and unworthy.
To be paralyzed by your fears of not being able to measure up.
To arrive at your breaking point.
Where the tears start to flow.
I’ve been there, in all of those places and more. My thoughts have been slandered with lies about who I am. There are times when I have felt lost and confused, times when I can’t imagine how things might be worse than they are. But one thing has always been and will always be constant.
He is good, and He is never not good.
Not only is He good, but He is always faithful.
In the midst of the chaos He has always been there.
And when my faith and hope are lacking, and that of those around me, God’s faithfulness remains.
That’s what I’m learning. I’m learning that my confidence cannot be found in myself or in others.
“My confidence is His faithfulness.” – Housefires
Thank you for all of your prayers and financial support! My plane is leaving for India on June 13th, and I am so close to being fully funded for my 2 year commitment in India. Recent circumstances have brought me back to needing $250 more in monthly committed support to reach 100% of my goal. Would you consider joining me on this journey as a financial supporter?
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